Some Objections Answered


It’s not Constitutional.
The 5th Amendment within the Bill of Rights clearly states:“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury.”
Since the federal government has been granted no authority over the Grand Jury, and the power is not prohibited to the people or states, the power to convene a Grand Jury, according to the 9th and 10th amendments, clearly falls to the people or states. Read More

It won’t work — the court system is too corrupt.
The court system is corrupt as it stands now — especially when opposing the state. This initiative is designed to counteract the questionable protections afforded the state — which seem to fly in the face of our constitutional protections. Read More

It will undermine our representative government.
The undermining of our government is a direct result of our elected officials, and appointed bureaucrats, ignoring their oath to restrict government and secure our liberties — not by the people holding them accountable.

The reality is the opposite of this argument. The undermining of our representative government occurs when the people are prohibited from holding our public servants accountable. Read More

The process will be co-opted by either the political right or left.
The triple random-selection provisions for jury selection within this initiative are designed to ensure that the chosen jury represent a true cross section of the population — not skewed based on political ideology. Read More

It will be a financial drain on the Counties.
The county already has the infrastructure in place to accommodate the existing court system. It will be responsible for routine administrative costs, but no for prosecuting cases — the plaintiff and defendant will be responsible for covering their own costs. The cost to the counties will not be significant. Read More

The court system will be plagued by nuisance lawsuits.
The jurors on the People’s Grand Jury will represent a true cross section of the population, and will not be driven by a hostile ideology. The people of this country typically make the just decisions when presented with the evidence. If public servants base their actions on Constitutional principles they have nothing to fear. If they rule by their discretion, outside Constitutional authority, they should rightly fear this jury. Read More

The people don’t know the Constitution.
Jurors will hear arguments and rebuttals from both sides, and be able verify for themselves the truth of the arguments. Jurors have the opportunity, and obligation, to deliberate amongst themselves to determine the Constitutional appropriateness of the arguments. The jurors will make the right decision. Read More